Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sharing the couch (or not)

It seems like, little by little, Ziggy and Pro are getting to be friends. Or rather, Ziggy is liking Pro a little better- Pro has always liked Ziggy. They have started sometimes sharing the couch, but it's interesting to see the negotiation body language happen.

Last night, Ziggy was on there and Pro wanted to get up. Usually if the first dog is on one end of the couch, it's no problem for the other dog to get at the other end. But last night Ziggy was in the middle and didn't want to move over. Pro approached so that their two heads were about even, and Ziggy got pretty still. Not super tense, and no hard eyes, just still. Pro just held his position, hoping I guess that Ziggy would relent and soften his stance to let Pro up. But Ziggy held his position so it was an impasse. At that point we called Pro away and suggested he sleep on a blanket on the floor, which he did. But he really, really wanted up on the couch, so he tried the exact same thing a couple more times. Neither one escalated, it was all very polite, and then we would call Pro away. Finally he gave up and settled on the floor.

Pro's higher energy level and still rather oblivious manners can be wearing on Ziggy, so Pro will continue to be excluded from the upstairs so that Ziggy has a quiet peaceful zone.

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