Saturday, January 29, 2011


Two new things happened today, both dogs riding in the car together (crated separately of course), and a trip to the Town Forest.

It was great, just what we needed to get rid of the cabin fever that all this snow has been causing. Zig got to go off leash, Pro stayed on. As I've seen with lots of new experiences for Pro, he really didn't look especially happy on our walk. He sniffed like crazy, every single pee mark left by every dog before us. It made me think of the first day he came to play in our yard, when he kept jumping back into the truck which was safe and familiar.

We saw a lot of cross-country skiers. The first set made Pro's hackles go up a bit- he has never seen skiers before. We stood to the side, watched them and ate cookies. True to his resilient nature, the second set got no hackles, and he sat quietly while I chatted with the two nice ladies. Third set, it was like he'd been seeing them all his life. What a guy!
Here they are on the trail, Ziggy way ahead.

Pro is now zonked out in his crate, brain probably busily processing all that new information.

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