Saturday, February 26, 2011

Crazy week, but doing better

So, this week I was really getting discouraged. My life has been so extra crazy, not a minute to spare, and so stressful that I was completely drained. The dogs haven't been getting the attention they need, and Pro has really been the worse for it. Major cabin fever- there is still too much snow in the yard and on the sidewalks to get out much. The crusty snow hurts Pros' paws- more on his paws later. By the middle of the week he was being a very naughty boy indeed, mouthy and dragging things around the house, barking and getting way obsessed about the squirrels (I think this needs separate work).

I was starting to get discouraged about my ability to get this big beast civilized- 'not enough time' the oldest excuse in the book!

But, by the end of the week, we were starting to get some good melting and it was actually possible to take the pups for a walk. I got Pro's flirt pole out for a workout. We're working on training every day at least for a little while. Thursday night Ziggy and I even got to do some obedience at the club. It's amazing what a good stress reliever dog training is! You really have to concentrate, and the rest of the junk in your brain has to move over for awhile.

Here is a picture of one of the few peaceful moments of the week:

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