Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pittie Love Boy!

Life has been crazy so I haven't had time to post for awhile. Pro went to visit Noreen from Pittie Love Rescue, and is now officially a Pittie Love dog! He is on their website and facebook page. Being such a handsome boy, he has gotten many admiring comments, but it will take just the right fit for a new family. He is our boy for now.

Once the reality of him going to a new home sank in, I started to think about what skills he still needs work on. He is doing beautifully on his training. Work=attention and food, so it's all good as far as Pro is concerned. We'll need to turn his house manners up a notch, and his biggie is getting more comfortable in many more situations with other dogs.

That means lots of trips to Petco and Petsmart, continuing his Ruff Diamonds class, and any other way we can get out and about. For awhile I was so busy with my folks, and we were so buried in snow, that it really was hard to get any training or exercise in at all, never mind field trips. But things are easing up a bit in the 'life' department, so back to work with the boy.

Today we went to a little train-the-trainer session at Marjie's where practice dogs were needed. I took Ziggy and Pro, and Mark for an extra dog wrangler. Ziggy of course was a star- anything for chicken. Pro was initially pretty over the top with exitement, had a couple of little blow-ups with some barking and lunging (not aggressive, just nutball excited), but overall he was a trooper! He definitely transferred his work at Ruff D to this new situation, doing a beautiful settle and giving me lots of good attention. I was very happy with him overall.  We really need to find more opportunities like that to get him just working around other dogs.

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